Become a Waunakee Baseball Sponsor
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Waunakee Baseball! Read more about our Sponsorship Program.
This year, we are asking sponsors for $1000 to help cover expenses for the coming season. In recognition of our sponsors’ generous, tax-deductible donations, we offer 8’ by 6’ full-color banners prominently displayed on our outfield fence and recognition and links on our official website (banners from returning sponsors in good condition may be reused at our discretion).
Step 1: Complete Sponsorship Form
Please fill out this Online Sponsorship Form. If you prefer, here is a printable version.
Step 2: Submit Payment
Payment of $1000 can be made at this PayPal link, or checks payable to Waunakee Baseball Boosters can be mailed to:
Waunakee Community High SchoolAttn: Baseball Boosters301 Community DriveWaunakee, WI 53597
Step 3: Submit Photo-Ready Art for Banner
Please send art to